Билеты F Зачарований негр / Sleeping Negro

F Зачарований негр / Sleeping Negro || Cinema Zhovten

Kyiv · Cinema Zhovten
100 uah
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The young black man, simply identified as “Man,” must resolve the personal meaning of his blackness when his white boss orders him to commit fraud to benefit the corporation. Struggling with an overwhelming sense of shame for going through with the illegal demand, Man seeks consolation by discussing his unease with a black former friend and his white fiancé. Unfortunately, his black friend brings his own toxic baggage to the table…


F Зачарований негр / Sleeping Negro <span> || || Cinema Zhovten</span>
F Зачарований негр / Sleeping Negro <span> || || Cinema Zhovten</span>
F Зачарований негр / Sleeping Negro || || Cinema Zhovten
100 uah
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