Билеты How the old dog learned new tricks

How the old dog learned new tricks || 12 september 2020 || The Kiev Fortress

12 september 17:00
Kyiv · The Kiev Fortress
150 uah

Plays by Moliere, Shakespeare, Gorin can be read as finished works. But from the stage they look and sound different. Poems by Anatoly Golubovsky can be simply read. But they are scripts for short films. And from the stage they sound and look different. Solo performance by Anatoly Golubovsky - several stories woven by the author's text and the author's performance into the script of the most interesting segment of the author's life. The performance will take place within the framework of the II International Theater Festival Monodrama Solo Plays Fest

How the old dog learned new tricks || 12 september 2020 || The Kiev Fortress
12 september 17:00
150 uah